Both of this famous scientist help to solved puzzled or question about our universe and how it usually end . Stephen Hawkings and Michio Kaku are among of it . I would like to shared it out for today .
The simpson movie , Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking , among the smartest man on the planet by far , you might want to listen to a real scientist . A very known scientist from all around the world . He gave among the most famous speech " Seeing is believing " . In 2009 , he was awarded as the presidential medal of freedom , the highest civilian award in the United States .
Michio Kaku .. A physic scientist who give out alot of ideas that make sense with our world and the universe . Like this video below is about the life beyond out world . Is it true that are we alone in the universe ? The anwser all lies to his explanation
Is 2012 real ? find out in this video
Posted At 9:09 PM
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This blog is about the universe ..what i read ,what i explore and might be others this blog .. is all about the universe ..i hope whoever have pass by here don't mind add me or type some comment = ) you are always welcome to this blog ..i am Shannon , living in Malaysia and i am interested in astronomy = )